
Thursday, 25 August 2011

Author Interview:

Thanks to Mozette of My Reading List (see previous feature), I'm pleased to be able to welcome author Karen Tyrrell to the 'Summer Special'. Karen has kindly answered a few questions for us about her writing, and writing in general.

  1. Please introduce yourself to our readers
My name is Karen Tyrrell and I'm an Australian multi-genre writer with #6 completed books. Memoir. Crime. Super Space Kids series. The Rescue Kids picture book series. Three publishers are considering my books for publishing.
  1. What book do you think you are most like?
I'm a multi-layered mystery book, with intriguing interwoven sub-plots.
  1. What sort of books do you write?
I write fast-paced books which keep adult and children Readers engaged. My stories are based on my intense personal experiences.
  1. Can you tell us a bit about your favourite character from your own writing.
In my memoir, ME AND HER: a Memoir of Madness, my main character, myself, strives to comprehend the shocking cause of her mental illness and how she will recover.
  1. What books/authors have influenced your writing the most?
Jodi Picoult, Jeff Lindsay, Anita Shreve, Katherine Howell.
  1. Tell us about the place where you write.
I write in my office, gazing out to waving palm trees and the blue skies of Brisbane, Australia.
  1. Do you have any techniques that you use if you get writer's block
Keep writing every day on multi-interest writing projects, switching over when you get stuck on one. Then you can easily pick up another.
  1. What are your top 5 tips for writing?
Write every day without excuses. Write what your passionate about. Enlist in writing courses to develop the craft of writing. Join a writer's group that critiques. Turn reject letters around ... RETHINK > REWRITE > RESUBMIT.

Thanks again to Karen, it sounds like you have a beautiful place to write!

Now it's over to you: if you enjoy writing then I'd love to read your answers to my questions. You can answer one or two in the comments, or all of them on your own blog (please provide a link so that we can check them out).

Tomorrow I'll be suggesting another place to visit over at 'Living in A Time Warp', before sharing some of my breadmaking recipes on 'Music Helps The World Go Round


  1. Thanks Mozette, for requesting my interview and a special thanks to Story Factory for publishing this piece. Loved answering your questions about my writing process. Really made me think :))

  2. Good answers Karen. I especially like the fact that you can work on more than one project at a time, I have trouble doing that. My characters end up in the wrong stories. lol.

  3. I totally enjoyed hunting down writers for this interview; and will do it again if asked next year.

    I also work on a few pieces at a time with my writing. It's fun to do and keeps my mind active. I also read two or three books at a time.
